Gardens Court: Lawsuits, Ratings, Inspections and Citations
How does Gardens Court compare to other Palm Beach nursing home facilities? To rate this nursing home, we look at how many residents are suing Gardens Court in neglect lawsuits, as well as the State of Florida's ratings, inspections and citations of the facility. First, let's look at who owns Gardens Court.
Ownership & Control of Gardens Court
Companies or People with a Direct Ownership Interest in this Facility: HUNTER, BEECHER (NO PERCENTAGE PROVIDED), PRESTON, FORREST (32%), ZIEGLER, JAMES (33%)
Companies or People who Control or Manage this Facility: LIFE CARE CENTERS OF AMERICA, INC.
Lawsuits Against Gardens Court - Former Residents Suing Gardens Court
The State of Florida cited Gardens Court nursing home in the above action
When a resident is wrongfully injured in a local nursing home, they can file a Palm Beach County nursing home abuse and neglect lawsuit. The following cases have been recently filed, where former residents are suing Gardens Court in a nursing home neglect lawsuit.
Trapani v. Gardens Court
Kittleson v. Gardens Court
Hamilton v. Gardens Court
Morris v. Gardens Court
Chabria v. Gardens Court
Moran v. Gardens Court
For more information about lawsuits against Gardens Court, contact us now at 561-316-7207.
Gardens Court Quality Ratings Nursing Home Compare Overall Rating: 5 Stars (Above Average)
Healthgrove Smart Rating: 90 (Third Highest Ranked Nursing Home in Palm Beach Gardens) Overall Rating: 4 Stars (Above Average)
Gardens Court Citations, Penalties and Inspections Recent Penalties: None.
AHCA Citations/Investigations: 6.
CarePathways State Inspection Deficiencies: This facility has less cited deficiencies than the average nursing home in Florida.
Choosing a Palm Beach County nursing home is an important decision and should not be made just by looking at prior statistics. We are not suggesting that one Palm Beach nursing home is better than another; we are merely providing you data which can weigh into your decision. Be sure to visit each potential nursing home and speak with the staff and management before choosing a nursing home in Palm Beach County.
More Questions?
Call us now for a free consultation at (561) 717-0817.